On Running +/- Zombies

I’ve always hated running. Even when I’ve been fairly fit I’ve never managed to get to the end of the street without my throat, lungs, knees, head, everything crying out in burning pain and rage. Running is bad for you. It has to be; it hurts. Runners’ bowels bleed, for goodness’ sake. Look it up.ContinueContinue reading “On Running +/- Zombies”


There is a sign advertising a psychic medium etched onto a glass fanlight on the high street. I have not knocked, and I probably never will, but it is very reassuring to know that there’s one there should I require their services. I started writing this, and then I Googled to find local psychics. IContinueContinue reading “RELISH YOUR IGNORANCE, FOR THENCE SPRINGS IMAGINATION”